Pacstrap failed retrieving file error download size
New issue. Jump to bottom. Copy link. Packages 1 gengetopt Packages 3 libgnutls Yes, that worked, thanks! Is there something I could do to prevent this from happening with other packages? I am having the same error. Ctags package retrieving failed: Maximum file size exceeded Rebuild all packages that have wrong file size in sync db ….
Rebuild all packages that have an incorrect file size in the sync databases Comment by Barbu Paul - Gheorghe paullik - Saturday, 28 July , GMT I am investigating this issue and I'd like to know whether it is desired to allow the mirror to fail X times or to remove the mirror on the first fail , timeout, etc. So I'd like to know which method is preferred. I have noticed at least once, that there is only one package that fails for a given set of mirrors, but I would say this situation is rather rare.
At least this is the case for me. I haven't read the pacman source, but if you keep a list of servers in memory, I guess you can duplicate each server entry X times in that list, as an alternative to creating a new data type.
It probably isn't the cleanest way to do it though I think failing on the first might be acceptable, but I wouldn't say it's ideal. Sindre, I don't understand what you mean by: "I have noticed at least once, that there is only one package that fails for a given set of mirrors, but I would say this situation is rather rare.
I like the idea of failing on the first , but giving the server a second chance if another error occurred. PS: Dave Reisner, sorry if I interrupted or managed to trip your work on this bug report.
Sorry If i am unclear. Usually, if a package can not be found on a given server, the server is down. Find More Posts by drillsar. Find More Posts by ondoho. Quote: Originally Posted by ondoho what does this have to do with pacstrap? I must uncomment the lines hwich I think can be done with search and replace vim. I left "use mirror staatus unchecked". Now I'll try to rank them by speed. Find More Posts by RickDeckard. Where are they? Quote: Originally Posted by drillsar I would think it's the mirrorlist and you need to update it.
I did 'pacman -Syyu' and got Code: :: Proceed with installation? Do you want to delete it? Posting Rules. Similar Threads. Error log: upstream timed out Connection timed out on Nginx. Main Menu. What could the problem and solution be?
Packages autogen Total Download Size: Could also be an issue with the mirror? Some commands may help. Biswapriyo - I tried both commands, I get the same result. Show 1 more comment. Active Oldest Votes. David David 3, 2 2 gold badges 29 29 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges. Adding --disable-download-timeout was enough to have it working. Add a comment. I've also faced this problem but I got the solution: Open Add or Remove Softwares and go to Preferences and then change your official repositories to Canada then Refresh mirror lists It may work now.
David 3, 2 2 gold badges 29 29 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges.